Monday, March 15, 2010


SUPER UGH! So it's been a few hours since that last post and I'm posting again because...well...I failed at tonight. sigh. Today was soo good up until we all went grocery shopping up here (Subic Bay) and I realized their grocery store sold like NO produce...The lettuce that they did have was super expensive and looked like it had fallen out of a truck, then run over by a semi only to be eaten by a rabbit and then pooped out onto the grocery store shelf. . . ok. . . I exaggerate. The lettuce wasn't that bad. . . I don't think there even are any wild rabbits in the Philippines, anyway. Sigh. So, I realized my patterned eating, while it is a blessing because I honestly don't get bored eating the same things each day, can really be a curse as well when the stuff i'm used to eating is unavailable. It's like I don't know what to do if I can't get the stuff I'm used to eating everyday. And to top it all off, they didn't sell any low-calorie salad dressing. I LOVE salad dressing, French Dressing is my favorite dressing in the world so far, I can't live without it...obviously tonight is the proof of that. So when I got back from grocery shopping and unloaded the rabbit pooh lettuce into the fridge I kind of freaked out.

The pizza came and I ate two pieces...but I neglected to drink any milk or even eat the lettuce. I don't know, some mental breakdown occurred because I didn't have my salad dressing so I didn't want my salad and I plain forgot about the milk. So I was still super hungry, and I...sigh...grabbed a piece of that chocolate cheesecake from HELL. haha. It was good. But not worth it. seems like every two weeks I have one of these "episodes"....what to do. Being on vacation is super hard, especially in a foreign country that doesn't stock basic things like salad dressing and lettuce, but never seems to run out of unhealthy imported stuff like doritos and lays and cream cheese for cheesecake..ugh...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry :( That must be so hard to not be able to get the stuff you need... especially since you have such a good routine going in what you like to eat!
    I hope tomorrow goes better. Good luck!
