Heh, I may be jumping the gun because I haven't actually had to deal with not having a "treat-day" yet as this Friday has not come yet, but honestly, I think it's going to be great. I can't wait to eat more healthy food on that day and just by-pass eating the sugary guck that is so unhelpful to my system. Also, I've been reading that it's not always a good thing to reward yourself with food. Perhaps I will reward myself once a week with something else...not sure yet what that will be though...I definitely don't have enough time or money to go out and go clothes shopping...hm...yeah, I guess I'll have to think on that one. Well, that's all for now, I have miserable loads of work to finish this week - I think I'll be spending late nights at the office headquarters every night this week! UGH! oh well...it'll keep my mind busy and off of food! :)
Day 15
(6:30 a.m.) Breakfast - 1 green apple (super SUPER good today), 6 almonds, 1 cup 2% milk
(12:33 p.m.) Lunch - 1 spicy 3oz turkey burger patty with two slices whole wheat bread, 12 oz water
(3:00 p.m.) Snack - 1 medium apple, 6 almonds, 10 oz water
(5:16 p.m.) Snack - 1 cup sliced carrots (raw), 5 oz water
(7:30 p.m.) Dinner - 1 cup salad greens, 1 cup vegetables (steamed), 1 cup 2% milk,
3 oz mayonnaise/cheese chicken thing, but made with light mayonnaise - tasted pretty good.
Beautiful flowers :)
ReplyDeleteIt's good that you are happy with your decision to cut out the sweets. I'm not a big sweets person, but if I decided to cut them out altogether, THEN I would want them LOL. I watch the biggest looser and they are always talking about Carefree Sugar free gum. I don't know if it would work for me, but it might be something to help if you do ever crave sweetness.
I'm not for cutting anything out altogether, but if you can do it- go for it!!!
I'm glad you are bright and cheery today :) Me too, lets try and stay that way! lol :)
Heh, you're so lucky you're not that into sweets. For some reason, I can get in these moods were I just crave them! Perhaps it has to do with my grandfather being a diabetic...maybe I'm mildly one as well. heh, who knows. But thanks for the gum suggestion. I'm going to give it a try because I think I saw something like that here in the stores...I hope they have it, I'm definitely going to check at least! :)