Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 15 - Tweaking Things...

Is it a realistic option? I hate being a quitter. I am a very competitive person - heh, please don't get turned off by that statement! I guess I should just come out and say it, I am a perfectionist, I am competitive, I like to take charge and lead, basically I am the epitome of what a woman should NOT be, at least that's what my 4 brother's are always telling me...the losers. haha. I am naturally very athletic. My grandfather was sUPER buff for his time which was around 1920's before they had weight-machines and gyms. That's a picture of him on the right. I have a picture of me flexing as well in the same way, but that was a year ago when I was probably around 115 pounds and I am currently 125 pounds, so I want to loose 10 perhaps 15 pounds and I will be content. I think it is doable.

So, after Saturday's and yesterday's epic FAIL (click me), I've chosen to tweak my original diet plan...I call it, Jenny's "CRACK DOWN!" Heh, yes, very dramatic, but it's just one change. Basically, I'm not going to eat desserts on Friday night's anymore until I loose 10-15 lbs.. I feel good about this decision with a pinch of apprehension. Not that I won't do it. I am very disciplined when I'm allowed to simply bypass temptation altogether. Tasting of the forbidden fruit was just too much for me. It triggers binges. I just don't want that anymore. Enough said. But then I'm like...Is it realistic? Heh...honestly, I don't know...I know right now I feel very motivated to do it, but that's probably because my body has had it's full of sweets due to last night's orgy of food! But I'm going to do it. And if I loose more than a pound a week, which I think I might because I'm cutting out desserts, I will up my caloric intake of good, clean food come Week 4 because I don't want to starve myself and again - Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. :)

I like this picture.The ship is daring and
confident even though she faces darkening skies
and rough waters.And yet there is hope with the promise of blue skies. :)

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