Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 24 - Some Changes in What I'm Eating

Today started out well even though I only got five hours of sleep instead of my usual six and a half. I got up and felt super refreshed. But now that it's evening, I'm starting to feel it. I feel kind of hungry and yet I don't really feel like eating at the same time! Heh. it's an odd feeling. I think I need more activity!!! Sitting on my bum working on a paper is not the best of things to do for your health or appetite plus the humid hot weather doesn't do much for it either! heh. I think I've been eating too much broccoli, lately, too! I hope I don't get sick of it. I love broccoli but too much of a good thing can lead to a bad thing! Ok, well, still working on my paper - it's already 20 pages long and I still have to write at least another 5!'s a beast! I hope my professor doesn't mind that it's already one going on two days late!

Day 24
(6:00 a.m.) Breakfast - 1 apple, 6 almonds, 10 oz skim milk
(11:00 a.m.) Lunch - spicy turkey burger/patty with 2 pieces whole wheat toast, 12 oz water
(4:00 p.m.) Snack - 1 apple, 6 almonds, 12 oz water
(5:00 p.m.) Snack - 1 cup sliced carrots (raw), 8 oz water
(7:40 p.m.) Dinner - 3 oz rosemary seasoned, roasted pork tenderloin (super yummy), 2 cups salad greens, 1 cup broccoli, 10 oz skim milk

So some dietary changes have been that I've started to drink more water. I dunno if this is actually a good thing. In the old days I used to drink about 1 mug full of water a day during lunch and that was it! Heh, I didn't really notice any side-affects from that but from what I've read it's not good for you...But the annoying thing with drinking more water is that I'm constantly having to use the bathroom...I guess I have a tiny bladder or something! but sheesh....having to pee like four times a day is annoying! I think all the veggies and fruit contribute to the water in my system as well so that could account for some of it. Oh and another change is that I'm drinking SKIM milk instead of 2% milk. It's not so much because of the fat content, but simply because I don't like the taste of milk all that much and the skim milk tastes more neutral to me. Although I think some of the side-affects could be that skim milk has a bunch of sugar with no fat to slow your body down from digesting the hope it doesn't end up making me more hungry later on in the far though it's been alright. :) oh and no headache today! Just a body that wishes it could have a little more activity than sitting in front of a computer screen!


  1. I think it's a good idea to drink more water. I used to go days without drinking water, and never noticed anything either. But now I try to drink around 48 oz (I usually get around 40) and I can really tell when I haven't had enough! I don't feel right if I only had like one glass...
    I do know what you mean about the peeing every 5 minutes though! LOL.

  2. Ha! so it can't be the water then that makes me feel like I need to use the restroom every five minutes! heh, it's not that bad all the time, only after my two afternoon/evening snacks of an apple and carrots plus water...perhaps those foods have a lot of water in them already....i dunno. annoyingly odd though!! hopefully there's nothing seriously wrong! heh i'm hoping it's just a sign that I have a tiny bladder or something.haha...hopefully!
